How Are You Investing in Your Leaders?

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NHPA training

How Are You Investing in Your Leaders?

If you’re looking for a new opportunity to build up your key team members, NHPA can help. The NHPA Foundations of Leadership program and the Retail Management Certification Program offer advanced retail training opportunities for everyone
from new managers to next-generation executives.

Online Leadership Training

The Foundations of Leadership program offers industry-specific online training to help key employees develop effective communication and problem-solving skills and learn how to build and lead teams. Interactive group sessions and self-paced options are available. Click here to apply and to learn more about each course.

Advanced Management Training

The Retail Management Certification Program is designed to teach key employees, future owners and retailers
effective business practices for owning and operating a home improvement operation. Sessions are taught by successful retailers, university professors and industry experts. Click here to apply.

“There is so much information to absorb in RMCP. It gave me a confidence boost that I can make it in management, and most importantly, that I don’t have to do it alone. There are so many people willing to give advice and help in this industry.”—Roman Chavez, Bleyhl Co-op | 2020 Retail Management Certification Program Graduate

Just the Basics
Looking for beginner training? Check out Level 100 and Level 200 training options at